Thursday, November 5, 2009

AoI Write up Work Shop.

Today, I had a Health & Social work shop in room 2.14.

Health and Social Education-
Related to issues involving physical and mental health and relationships with others.

She told us that the one thing she wants us to take out of the work shop was that if we
"Treat our Area of Interaction superficially then we will not do well."

After asking Mr. Geraets what my essay requires, that the original MYP Personal Project doesn't, the goal of my essay was more clear. Here is what I have written down;

Essay is About:

-Reflecting on the environment that is created,
*which leads to the therapeutic atmosphere*

In the introduction, I need to Reflect on:

-Myself and others
-Understanding myself and others
Self esteem, growing up
-Looking after myself and others
Disease prevention, control
-Myself and wider society
Ethics, behaviour
-Looking at myself and others
-Understanding myself and others
Needs & wants, self control

Some of these points will be mentioned in my introduction as well as my AoI

Getting to the point.

Since I have a limit of 2500 words, I need to get to the point of my essay in the introduction. I will launch right into my essay by explaining my AoI and how Therapeutic riding can help disabled children and adults.
Some good questions to answer in the beginning:

-What environment is needed?
-Training/ Certification of instructors, horses and volunteers
-A short history of Hippotherapy & Therapeutic riding


I have also decided to include a mini-product if time permits...
It will be a scrap book that shows the horses used, children who participate, instructors, then environment created and anything else that is needed/ used to create the Therapeutic atmosphere. The scrap book will show the important aspects of a Hippotherapy centre and the people and equines that make it happen.

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